Sunday, March 15, 2015

Stolen: Book Review

This book was great, the premise was different and the two main characters were good. The character of Ty is complex because he did kidnap Gemma and drug her to take her to Australia. Do I forgive him? No, do I sympathize him? Yes.however this does not justify the fact of what he did, I liked that this book addressed this and Gemma was the one who realized this. I do still wish we got to more about Gemma's life from her than from what Ty said her life was in his eyes. It makes me wonder if Ty was telling the truth about her family or if he was lying to get Gemma to trust him. So many questions. I wanted to know what Gemma said in the trial. Overall, the ending felt right and was done in a great way.

my rating overall is 4 stars, :)

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book when I read it a few years back. I found the concept quite unique and I still haven't read a book like it yet. I must actually re-read it again this year or next :)
    Great Review, Lissette :)
